51 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat bahan ajar tematik tema 8 subtema 1 manusia dan lingkungan berbasis kearifan lokal siswa kelas V sekolah dasar, melalui pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini merupakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model teori Dick & Carey. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan analisis deskriptif. Subyek penelitian pada siswa kelas V SDN 002 Karangan, analisis data dengan mengkonversi skor skala rating. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat bahan ajar tematik berbasis kearifan lokal yang layak.  Melalui penilaian aspek isi, aspek bahasa, aspek penyajian, strategi pembelajaran, dan aspek tampilan. Persentase penilaian oleh ke tiga ahli yaitu ahli pembelajaran 89%, ahli media 81,07%, dan ahli materi 84,78%, dengan rerata perolehan 84,59%. Produk memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan berdasarkan keterlaksanaan perangkat bahan ajar dengan perolehan nilai 85,4% serta responden guru dan siswa yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Produk memenuhi kriteria keefektifan berdasarkan hasil belajar siswa pada uji kelas riil dengan nilai ketuntasan 88%. Pengembangan perangkat bahan ajar tematik berbasis kearifan lokal ini mengacu pada silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dikembangkan disesuaikan dengan kegiatan pembelajaran


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    Commonly, parents decide to have children to complete their live as part of their family. Then, how about the parents who have another reason with the presence of their children? It can make the children to have different thinking with other and it can make the children wonder about their true status or identity in family. It is because parents and their children do not have the similar purpose in their family. This situation happened in My Sister’s Keeper novel. The researcher choose to analyse Anna Fitzgerald in the novel because the life of family in My Sister’s Keeper novel was not like other family in general. The researcher analysed Anna Fitzgerald’s character through two theories to find out her identity. Erikson’s psychosocial development in the fifth stage was used to analyse of how Anna Fitzgerald got through the development as thirteen years old children in defining her own identity, successfully or not. It was because this stage discusses about the process of finding the true identity. Meanwhile, the researcher used Bowlby’s attachment theory to analyse of Anna’s relationship with her mother. Also, in this theory, the researcher only used one characteristic (proximity maintenance) to know about factor that influence of Anna’s position in Erikson’s fifth stage. This research was aimed to find out about the identity in fifth stage of psychosocial development of a child who lived uncommon situation and the factor that influenced her identity. The result of this research showed that Anna psychosocially experienced role confusion because she failed to know about her true identity. This situation influenced Anna’s relationship with her mother. As a result, she did not have fidelity as her basic virtue. Anna did not get the sense of safety and comfort from her relationship with Sara, as mother-daughter relationship.  Key words: Psychosocial Development, Attachment Theor


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    In this research, the researcher used the film as the object of the research entitled Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle film and focused on understanding character utterances. The data were taken from the film script and scene in the form of utterances. Through the utterances, the participants tell their idea and opinion about something, but sometimes they do not say their goals directly; this is called implicature. Based on that, the researcher tries to understand the meaning of implicature utterances occurred in the film based on the implicature theory. This research was aimed at classifying the types of conversational implicature, which have been done by the five main characters in the film and then explaining the implied meaning. The researcher used Levinson's implicature theory and context by DeVito. The data were explained by showing the maxim flouted by the main characters, the context of the situation, the types of conversational implicature, and the implied meaning of the utterances. Dealing with the purposes of the research, it was found that the five main characters used implicature. Thirty-seven utterances contained conversational implicatures, which comprise thirty-four particularized conversational implicature, and three generalized conversational implicature. The five main characters used particularized conversational implicature more frequently than generalized conversational implicature. In addition, it was also found that the implied meaning behind main characters’ utterances mostly depend on the context of the conversation. The implied meaning found were informing, complaining, refusing, reminding, criticizing, assuring, affirming, apologizing, and entreating


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    ABSTRACT Politeness is one of important thing in doing conversation to avoid misunderstanding between speaker and hearer during the conversation to make the social interaction running more harmony. The purposes of this research were to find out types of politeness strategies, factors influencing the characters in using politeness strategies and the dominant politeness strategy used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. The research method in this research was descriptive qualitative research, the theory of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987) was used to analyze the four types of politeness strategy. The result of this research showed that there were fifty eight utterances represented four politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Fourteen utterances represented of bald on record strategy, twenty seven utterances represented of positive politeness strategy, sixteen utterances represented of negative politeness strategy and oneutterance represented bald off record strategy. There are 2 factors influencing the choice of politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. They are intrinsic payoff and relevant circumstances. Fifty eight utterances categorized as politeness strategies, twenty seven of them belong to positive politeness strategy, so that positive politeness strategy is the most dominantly used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Keywords: pragmatics, context, politeness strategies, movie  ABSTRAK Kesantunan merupakan satu hal penting dalam melakukan suatu percakapan untuk menghindari kesalahpaham antara pembicara dan pendengar dalam melakukan percakapan agar interaksi sosial berjalan lebih harmonis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe - tipe strategy kesantunan, factor - faktor yang mempengaruhi karakter dalam menggunakan strategi kesantunan dan juga strategi kesantunan yang paling dominan digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Metode penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskripsi kualiatif dengan menggunakan teori strategi kesantunan oleh Brown dan Levinson (1987) yang digunakan untuk menganalisa tipe strategi kesantunan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima puluh delapan ujaran yang mewakili keempat strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Empat belas ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan langsung (tanpa basa basi), dua puluh tujuh ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan positif, enam belas ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan negatif, dan satu ujaran mewakili strategi kesantunan tak langsung (basa basi). Terdapat dua faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Faktor tersebut adalah faktor payoff dan faktor keadaan. Lima puluh delapan ucapan yang dikategorikan kedalam strategi kesantunan, dua puluh tujuh diantaranya merupakan startegi kesantunan positif, oleh karena itu strategi kesantunan positif adalah strategi yang paling dominan digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Finding Neverland. Kata Kunci: pragmatik, konteks, strategi kesantunan, fil


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    The purpose of this research is ti find out the results of the use of modeling grade in SDN 009 Northen Sangatta. Specially for the improvement of reading aloud in the pre reading stage when reading the post reading stage with the modelling strategies of of second grade elementary school student 009 Northen Sangatta. This research methodology is a type of classroom action research, research procedures used are planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research uses three cycles one cycle twice meeting. The problems contained in the first cycle will be followed up by the second cycle research and the third cycle research.The results of this study are the ability of pre reading in the first cycle an average of 60,7 % , the twice cycle an average of 73,2 % and an average the third cycle of 81,8 %.  The ability to read aloud from the pre cycle test value which is used as the basic value obtained before the average action of 64,4 with sufficiently improved criteria in the first cycle of action of an average of 67,5 with sufficient criteria, increased cycle two by an average of 69,8 with the criteria are sufficient and increase in the average three cycle of 75,4 with good criteria. Post reading ability in cycle one is 64,2 % an average cycle two is 69,8 % and cycle three is 81,8 %. The conclusion that the application of modeling strategies can increase the ability to read aloud preweens when reading and post reading of second grade elementary school student 009 Northen Sangatta


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    This study aimed to identify types of rejective behavior that depicted in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad and analyzed how the African-American slaves react toward these rejective behaviors. To conduct this research, the researcher used qualitative method, content analysis approach and multicultural criticism. The data source of this research was The Underground Railroad novel written by Colson Whitehead. The data were taken in the forms of words, sentences, clauses, phrases and narration that related to act of rejective behaviour experienced by African-American slaves and their reaction toward this rejective behaviour that suitable with Allport’s rejective behaviour theory and responses to rejective behavior theory. As analyzed, the results showed that all types of rejective behaviors were depicted in the novel. First, verbal rejection where in the action there were an indication of verbally insult like name calling, making fun of cultural makers and joking about physical attribute. Second, discrimination where in the action there were an indication of segregation and unfairly treatment between whites and blacks. Last, physical attack where in the action there were the indications of violence acts. Furthermore, the result also showed how African-American slaves react to these rejective behaviors that they experienced


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    Literary works and movie sometimes depict about stereotypes of certain race and ethnic. Author and director embed similar negative features to them; hence it becomes a justification that those races and ethnic truly have such negative features. It is like European people who often represent the Orient (Asian people) by negative features in their works. This study is purposed to examine the stereotypical images of Indian society and how they are represented in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie by using Orientalism and Bal’s focalization theories. The researcher used qualitative-descriptive method in reference to Mikos’ movies analysis method. The result shows that there are 5 stereotypical images of Indian society in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie. Those stereotypical images are barbaric, inauthentic, irrational, backward, and weak. All the stereotypical images are represented through British characters (character-bound focalization or internal focalization) which put Indian society as object of focalization. Karya-karya sastra dan film terkadang menggambarkan stereotip dari ras dan etnis tertentu. Penulis dan sutradara memberikan ciri-ciri negatif yang sama kepada mereka, sehingga hal itu menjadi sebuah pembenaran bahwa ras dan etnis tersebut benar-benar memiliki ciri-ciri negatif. Seperti halnnya orang Eropa yang sering merepresentasikan orang-orang Timur (Orang Asia) menggunakan ciri-ciri negatif di karya-karya mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran stereotip dari masyarakat India dan bagaimana gambaran stereotip tersebut direpresentasikan di film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel menggunakan teori Orientalism dan Fokalisasi Bal. Metode yang digunakan adalah qualitatif-deskriptif dengan referensi metode analisis film Mikos. Hasil penelitian menunujukkan ada 5 gambaran stereotip masyarakat India di film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Gambaran stereotip tersebut adalah bar-bar, tidak dapat dipercaya, tidak rasional, terbelakang, dan lemah. Semua gambaran stereotip tersebut direpresentasikan melalui karakter-karakter orang Inggris (fokalisasi karakter atau fokalisasi internal) yang menempatkan masyarakat India sebagai objek fokalisasi


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    Woman and man are often seen as two individuals with different characteristics. Women are labeled with feminine characteristics and men are labeled with masculine characteristics. Women often considered have lower status than men by not having the characteristics of men. However, the existence of masculinity traits in a female character is still possible to happen considering masculinity and femininity are concept created by society. By this research, the researcher aimed to analyze the masculinity and femininity traits of female character in Roth’s Insurgent Novel. This research has two purposes. The first is to analyze the masculine traits of Beatrice Prior, and the second is to analyze the feminine traits of Beatrice Prior. The researcher applied Sandra L Bem theory to answer the research questions. This research is under qualitative paradigm. Content analysis was applied in this research. The findings of this research showed that Beatrice Prior has eighteen masculine traits and five feminine traits. By the result of this research, it can be concluded that female individual can have more masculine traits or vise versa which then gives more understanding to the researcher. In addition, this research strengthens the idea that novel can be used as a tool to raise the awareness of the readers about th phenomena that happen in the society. Wanita dan pria seringkali dipandang sebagai dua individu dengan karakteristik berbeda. Wanita dilabeli dengan karakteristik feminin dan pria dilabeli dengan karakteristik maskulin. Wanita sering dianggap memiliki status lebih rendah daripada pria dengan tidak memiliki karakteristik pria. Namun, keberadaan ciri-ciri maskulinitas dalam karakter perempuan masih mungkin terjadi mengingat maskulinitas dan feminitas adalah konsep yang diciptakan oleh masyarakat. Dengan penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk menganalisis sifat-sifat maskulinitas dan femininitas karakter perempuan dalam Roth's Insurgent Novel. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan. Yang pertama adalah untuk menganalisis sifat-sifat maskulin dari Beatrice Prior, dan yang kedua adalah untuk menganalisis sifat-sifat feminin dari Beatrice Prior. Peneliti menerapkan teori Sandra L Bem untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan teknik analisis konten. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Beatrice Prior memiliki delapan belas ciri maskulin dan lima ciri feminin. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa individu perempuan dapat memiliki lebih banyak sifat maskulin atau sebaliknya yang kemudian memberikan lebih banyak pemahaman kepada peneliti. Selain itu, penelitian ini memperkuat gagasan bahwa novel dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pembaca tentang fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat


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    This study aimed to find out the types of deixis and contexts used by Beca Mitchell character in Pitch Perfect 2 movie. In order to fulfill the two aims, this study used two theories: Levinson’s (1983) five types of deixis were used to find out the types of deixis, while Panevová and Hana’s (2011) four types of context were used to find out the types of context appeared in each utterance of Beca Mitchell character. This study was a qualitative research with content analysis as its approach. Moreover, this study used words as its data in the forms of narrations and dialogues uttered by Beca Mitchell character taken from Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. The results of this study showed there were five types of deixis used by Beca Mitchell character: person deixis (40% of first person, 23% of second person, and 6% of third person), time deixis usage as 12%, place deixis usage as 6% shown in both types: proximal and distal, discourse deixis usage as 6%, and social deixis usage as 7% shown only in the relational type that considered the closeness of relationship between Beca and her hearers. Meanwhile, there were four types of context appeared: physical, linguistic, social, and epistemic. The conclusions showed that Beca Mitchell used Levinson’s five types of deixis along with four types of context by Panevová and Hana to help her getting clearer about things she said in her utterances. As the implications, theoretically, this study was capable of giving the understanding about Levinson’s deixis and Panevová-Hana’s contexts. While practically, this study had shown that film also used deixis as its speech variety similar with the communication done in real world even though the film used in this study, Pitch Perfect 2 movie was a fiction one. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe deiksis dan konteks yang digunakan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell dalam film Pitch Perfect 2. Untuk memenuhi kedua tujuan tersebut, maka penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori: lima tipe deiksis dari Levinson (1983) untuk menemukan tipe-tipe deiksis dan teori empat tipe konteks dari Panevová dan Hana (2011) untuk menemukan tipe-tipe konteks yang ada dalam tiap ujaran deiksis karakter Beca Mitchell. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisa konten. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menggunakan kata-kata sebagai datanya yang berupa narasi-narasi dan dialog-dialog yang diujarkan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell dalam skrip film Pitch Perfect 2. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat lima tipe deiksis yang digunakan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell: deiksis orang (40% orang pertama, 23% orang kedua, dan 6% orang ketiga), deiksis waktu sebanyak 12%, deiksis tempat sebanyak 6% dalam dua tipe: proksimal dan distal, deiksis wacana sebanyak 6%, dan deiksis sosial sebanyak 7% yang hanya muncul dalam satu tipe yaitu relasional yang mana melibatkan kedekatan hubungan antara Beca dan para lawan bicaranya. Sementara itu, terdapat empat tipe konteks yang muncul yaitu: fisikal, linguistik, sosial, dan epistemik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Beca Mitchell menggunakan lima tipe deiksis milik Levinson bersamaan dengan empat tipe konteks milik Panevová dan Hana untuk membantunya dalam memberikan ujaran-ujaran yang lebih jelas. Sebagai implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu secara teori bahwa penelitian ini dapat memberikan pengertian tentang deiksis milik Levinson serta konteks dari Panevová dan Hana. Secara praktik, penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa film juga menggunakan deiksis sebagai variasi bentuk ujarannya yang hakikinya juga sama dengan komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam dunia nyata terlepas dari fakta bahwa film yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, Pitch Perfect 2 merupakan fiksi
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